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A new potent Fragrance Alchemy blend by Almine, the Self-Compassion Blend!

This very unique blend supports the qualities needed to return to wholeness, and to merge inner and outer realities to move to a life of grace. We cannot be wholly inclusive of our environment without self-compassion that embraces all of our inner aspects.

This blend also supports the activation of the 8th chakra that is a necessary precursor to entering the reality of the Incorruptible White Light. The 8th chakra activates in self-valuing, self-acknowledgment, and self-love.

Whether you are using Fragrance Alchemy to accelerate clearing and awakening through leveraged alchemy, or simply to support well-being and gentle healing for yourself, this blend is an invaluable addition.

December 2017

SKU: GA-S-SCOM-001 Categories: , , ,